Show Me Your Tiny Dick

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You and I have known each other for a while. You'd do anything for me, but there's one thing that you seem reluctant to do. Most guys would be flaunting their huge cocks at this point, trying to get me to be impressed by what they're packing. But you seem to shy away from the whole topic!

Is there a reason you're so scared to let me see what you've got going on down there? Would it help if I told you how to take your pants off? lol. Silly boy. Just take off your pants and show me. Unless you're scared of course.

Oh..oh my. OK....I can see your balls...but nothing else. Hahahaha! You don't even look like you have a cock!! No wonder you were so shy to show me. You don't even have anything to look at! Are you even a real man? Do you even know how to have sex? How to masturbate? Wow. I wasn't expecting it to be THAT bad.
Length: 08:10
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
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