Dying To Serve

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In the Sequel to the clip "Freshly Squeezed Personal Assistant", Eric narrowly escapes death and, realizing he failed me the first time, decides to try to get a second chance. He's so desperate to serve me, he'll do anything to get back into my good graces. He grows out his hair and beard and comes to my house pretending to be my new assistant. I immediately see right through his disguise - as if I'd be that stupid - and put him right back in his place. Squeezing his neck with my strong legs, I torture and berate him. I also demand to know what he did with my new assistant. Will Eric confess everything he's done to worm his way closer to me? Or will I have to make sure I end him for good this time?
Length: 08:47
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
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