ChiChi Medina in Lethal Assassin: Too Many Quesions

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ChiChi Medina plays a dangerous assassin whose boyfriend begins to get just a little too curious. He starts questioning her about her family's bakery, asking why it's always so empty and yet they always have so much money. When he leaves the room, ChiChi quickly calls her boss to find out what to do about him. She's told she needs to end him because he's beginning to know too much.

When he comes back into the room, she quickly makes her move. She removes her shirt, luring him closer to her, before trapping him between her deceptively strong legs. He flails about, blindsided by her sudden change in attitude towards him. She was always such a sweet girlfriend - what happened? He claws at her muscular thighs, desperate to escape. Little does he know, he's living his last few moments. Will ChiChi end him? Or will she take pity on her former lover?
Length: 09:56
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
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