T&A for TNA Feat. Rapture

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Eric and his girlfriend, Rapture, are hanging out on the couch quietly doing their own things. Suddenly, Rapture demands that Eric pay for the items she's been shopping for on the TNA website. He peers at the screen and is flabbergasted at the total cost of her items. Thousands of dollars worth for just a few measly pieces of clothing? No way!

Since Rapture is the kind of girl that's used to getting her way, she immediately gets to work by forcing Eric into submission. She tosses him around like a ragdoll, squeezing him with her powerful thighs and smothering him with her huge breasts and toned ass. Will she weaken him enough that he buys her what she wants? Or will he experience a miracle and get out alive?
Length: 10:00
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
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